Web Design

Web Design is the process of designing a visual user interface prototype of a website which gives clear vision to both the client and developer of what the final website will look. When it comes to Web design in Manchester, we are experts at designing cutting edge web designs which take advantage of modern technology to produce a jaw dropping website experience.

Not only do we make sure every web design looks incredible, we also very carefully design the structure and user flow of the website to allow the user to enjoy using the website, increase page dwell time and therefore increase the chances of client conversion.


User Interface & Experience

UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) design is the process of creating website layouts which will be delivered to the user in the most engaging, intuitive and user friendly way. Ensuring that the UI / UX is designed well is crucial as this could be the difference between a user staying on the website, or losing patience and leaving.

Retain Your Visitors

With years of experience and a passion for staying updated with user experience and interface design trends, we guarantee that every aspect of each individual website will be hand crafted in a way which will maintain the most user engagement and length of time each user spends on the website.

User Interface Web Design

Responsive Web Design

Avoid Device Related Issues

We have all been there… We arrive on a website which is old or poorly developed, and it becomes a headache trying to navigate around the website due to you using a browser or device which the website was not designed for. In todays day and age with an ever-growing number of devices, the responsive design of the website is essential. We guarantee that our websites look amazing on screen size and device, from small mobile phones to 4k desktop monitors.

Websites Designed For All Screen Sizes

At Green Dot Digital we ensure that the Web design will look great on every device and web browser. From many years of experience with design and development, we know how to create and structure every website which visually will seamlessly translate from wide screen displays through to old and smaller devices.

Green Dot Digital Responsive Web Design

What are you after and how can we help?

From small startup businesses to large enterprises, we cater each website design as a whole relative to each business. We include multiple factors when designing a website, including recognising what your goals for the website are, understanding the needs of your target audience, looking at what your competition is doing and researching design trends both globally and within your industry.

Get in touch with us to find out how we can help you.